
Causes of Wrinkles and How to get Wrinkle-free skin

Wrinkles are folds on the skin. They aren’t necessarily bad as they add some touch to faces. But when these creases get too many, taking them away becomes the next plan.

So, if you aim to get some wrinkles off or prevent them from forming on your skin, don’t stop reading this article.

Causes of Wrinkles

Wrinkles appear on our skin for several reasons. These include:

  1. Natural causes: The most important is aging. Other natural causes include facial expressions such as frowning and smiling.
  2. Lifestyle causes: Habits like smoking, undue sun exposure, poor nutrition, and inadequate hydration can lead to wrinkles.
  3. Genetic factors: Scientific studies back claims that some genetic factors make people prone to wrinkles.

Other factors include environmental factors, failed cosmetic procedures like face-lifting, and some medications.

How to get wrinkle-free skin

You can prevent wrinkles in several ways. These methods are in three categories, namely;

  1. Change of lifestyle: This involves avoiding undue sun exposure, eating vitamin-rich foods, and sleeping on your back. You should also manage stress and get sufficient sleep and stay hydrated by drinking water and some tea like green tea and hibiscus tea.
  2. Use of cosmetics: You can use anti-aging creams to prevent wrinkles. These products are rich in wrinkle-preventing ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, peptides, and extracts from tea and grapes.
  3. Medical Treatments: Drugs such as retinol, kinetin, and antioxidants are effective against wrinkles. Meanwhile, severe wrinkling may require procedures like dermabrasion, use of fillers, and Botox therapy.

You can avoid wrinkles on your skin by using one or a combination of the above methods.


Things that we do, alongside natural causes, are responsible for wrinkling. Severe cases may require medical treatments. Thankfully, most remedy only demands a change in lifestyle, proper dieting, and some cosmetics.